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Clients & Success Stories

We get it. You want to move your organization from surviving to thriving.
Featured Client Success Stories
Modesto Symphony Orchestra

Executive Director Caroline Nickel knew low-hanging fruit was ready to be picked at the Modesto Symphony Orchestra. However, the demands of her position left little room to identify those opportunities.

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Modesto Symphony engaged Nave Strategies to conduct an organizational analysis and identify opportunities that could have the biggest impact. The analysis led to sixty-five recommendations covering everything from ticket sales to executive board support. Nearly all of the recommendations could be implemented without any additional support. Instead of facing an endless possibility of adjustments, the data focused on potential quick win opportunities.


With these recommendations and data in hand, Caroline has led her staff to be more effective in marketing efforts, rethink their donor benefits to promote increased gifts, and develop a formal job description for the executive director. And that is just the beginning!

Our Clients

Art Museums/Galleries

Harvard Art Museums

Cambridge, MA


MacKenzie Art Gallery

Regina, SK, Canada


Vancouver Art Gallery

Vancouver, BC, Canada


Atlanta Ballet

Atlanta, GA


Charlotte Ballet

Charlotte, NC

Cincinnati Ballet

Cincinnati, OH


Nashville Ballet

Nashville, TN


Brevard Music Festival

Brevard, NC


Auckland Philharmonia

Auckland, New Zealand​


Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra

Buffalo, NY​


Colorado Springs Philharmonic

Colorado Springs, CO

Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra

Fayetteville, NC

Greenville Symphony Orchestra

Greenville, SC


Hershey Symphony Orchestra

Hershey, PA


Johnstown Symphony Orchestra

Johnstown, PA


Modesto Symphony Orchestra

Modesto, CA

Nashville Symphony Orchestra

Nashville, TN

Orchestra of the Southern Finger Lakes

Corning-Elmira, NY

Toronto Symphony Orchestra

Toronto, ON, Canada


Waterloo-Cedar Falls Symphony

Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA


BIG Arts

Sanibel Island, FL

Clay Center for Arts and Sciences

Charleston, WV

Gouge Performing Arts Center

Auburn, AL


Grand Opera House

Wilmington, DE

The Hanover Theatre and Conservatory for the Performing Arts

Worcester, MA

Harris Center for the Arts
at Folsom Lake College

Folsom, CA

Jim & Linda Lee Performing Arts Center at Yavapai College

Prescott, AZ


National Arts Centre

Ottawa, ON, Canada

Norton Center for the Arts at Centre College

Danville, KY

Overture Center for the Arts

Madison, WI

Perkinson Center for the Arts and Education

Chester, VA​


State Theatre New Jersey

New Brunswick, NJ


Salt Lake City, UT

Walton Arts Center

Fayetteville, AR


Alliance Theatre

Atlanta, GA

Barter Theatre

Abingdon, VA

Delaware Theatre Company

Wilmington, DE

Everyman Theatre

Baltimore, MD


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